Saturday, February 14, 2009

One of Martin's recent projects

Well, here I am, putting in a blog entry as well. My little entry here will be very brief. The last few months I have been working on a little bar that we could put in our youth room at church - a place to hold the food and drink and some other misc. stuff. More importantly, my hope was that it would be another way or place or setting to have conversation. So, I tackled my first project with Eddie Visscher - one of the junior high youth in our church. We got together a few hours every month and just did a little bit at a time - having a lot of fun while we did it. We were satisfied with the end product as we are both amatuers at this kind of thing. I give most of the credit to Eddie for his work on this. He did almost all of the nailing - while i just held everything in place. I forgot to take pictures of the progress - but here is a couple of the finished product wn in our youth room at church.