Monday, December 7, 2009

It's time... set the record straight. I have to say, it was fun reading all the comments my last post caused :). But I should let you all know that my impatience was more with all the legitimate things that prevent us from getting that coffee table made, than with Martin not doing his part. I have a list of projects too that are waiting to be worked on, and that's just life. Slowly but surely, we'll get things done... only to create another list of projects to work on!
This last week, Martin has been busy installing a laundry tub and fixing the dryer venting. I'm so glad for all the work he does around our place!

Monday, November 30, 2009


Isn't this a lovely piece of pine?
I think so. Mostly, because I'm picturing the nice new coffee table it will some day be transformed into. Some day!!

Monday, November 23, 2009

We've got mail!

In our new mailbox on our new fence!
This fence is something we've been talking about for a while now... We've had trouble on occasion with the neighbors horses coming on our yard. Their heavy footprints leave some ugly marks, and so we wanted to find a way to prevent that. A split rail fence sounded like a great idea - I didn't want anything that made our cute little house look like a jail. And then when I was visiting a sweet older lady from our church, I found out that she had some split rail sitting in her barn that she wasn't planning on using. A free pre-aged split rail fence! How great is that? So, Martin & his dad spent a bit of time the last few weeks digging holes and putting in the fence. Our ugly, old, green, covered in moss mailbox was in the way, so it got pulled out - yay!!! Another thing we'd been talking about doing for a while. Our new mailbox is nothing really exciting (except for the red flag - something our old mailbox didn't have) - but it's a big improvement from the last one we had!!

Thursday, October 15, 2009

The fun of wrapping

My dad is one of those "brown paper bag" gift-giving people. Makes sense... why spend an extra $5 or more on something that just ends up in the garbage? Might as well spend those few extra $$ on the gift and skip the wrapping, right? Right.
But how do I combine that thought with the fun of wrapping something up all pretty and fun? I have to say - I have as much fun now with the presentation of the gift as I do buying the gift.
There are tonnes (and I mean tonnes) of inexpensive ideas for gift wrapping on the internet. I admit, I sometimes spend too much time looking... but it's fun to see what I can find.
Last year some time, I was looking for a fun (but inexpensive :) way to wrap a little gift for some girls. I came across this idea - and pretty much copied. Here's mine:

A little while later, I took this idea a little step further. I just changed the measurements on the box part to make a bit bigger box, and then made a lid for it using the same concept. Then I "prettied" it up and added a matching card.
Having said all that... I have to admit, I still use brown paper bags on occasion. I bought a whole package of lunch bag size just for gift wrap. But I can't help adding a little ribbon or something to it. Still inexpensive... still fun!!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

A bit of everything

I've managed to stay busy lately with a bunch of things. Of course, some of the more "routine" things of life have started up again - weekly youth meetings, violin lessons, Bible study, etc. Always welcomed after the summer, but it still somehow takes a bit of an adjustment to get back into the swing of it all.
I've done a bit of jam making again this year. My strawberry jam took me two tries. Martin and I really wanted to have sugar free jam - and since I'm stubborn enough, if it takes 2 times to get it right, then that's what I'll do. It tastes pretty good, although a bit different (more tangy) then all of that sugar loaded jam.
Yesterday a friend came over and we canned peaches. Also a sugar-free variety. Don't they look fantastic?!
Today I will attempt the peach jam. Again, sugar-free. Hopefully I can do it in one go this time :)
I have also been spending a bit of time working on the crib bedding for the little one we are waiting for. I had seen something with brown and white polka dots - and absolutely loved it - and I was determined to find a similar fabric to work with. It took a bit of hunting - but I found it... and I love it!
Figuring out what exactly to do with it was a different story... but thanks to some tips from others, and my mom's quilting expertise, this is what it's looking like so far. You'd never guess that I spent a very frustrating morning looking for the brown and green borders... and while they're different than what I had in mind at first (why would a store have every color of corderoy except for a nice chocolate brown??) I'm liking the result. I'm currently working on hand-stitching around a few of the dots to make them "pop" a bit (not my idea - but a suggestion that I absolutely loved!). I'll be making a roman shade to match it - I'll show you that when it's done.
Anyways, on to making jam, doing laundry, cleaning gutters, etc. I've got another full day ahead!

Friday, August 28, 2009

A day with my brother

It worked out well to be camping a bit more north in Ontario, because it meant we were only an hour and a half away from my brother & his fiance. So the day after we got to the campground, we took the day to go spend time with Thys. Leah was working that day, so she could only join us for supper. We had a beautiful and fun day - spent mostly on a lake near his house.

We spent a couple hours here - relaxing on this little spot on the beach
or playing frisbee in the water.
Then we cruised around in his little boat for a while. This
area is beautiful! We were trying to imagine how amazing
this place would look in the fall!
Thys had mentioned something about cliff jumping quite
a way down the lake - a spot we didn't have time to go
to anymore that day - but then we came across
this little spot - and the boys decided it was also a
great spot to jump from!
Checking it out...Taking the plunge!The view from the topWhen we got back, Thys and Leah made us a delicious dinner.

We finished off the day with a campfire and s'mores and pie - even though we were still stuffed from dinner! It was a good day.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Camping in Ontario

Part of the reason we picked these particular days for our trip to Ontario was to join in on the annual camping trip with a few of Martin's cousins and their families. We had a fantastic and relaxing time together at Arrowhead Provincial Park.

We were pretty proud of this setup! Martin & I had
our own site a little ways down - but we spent the
majority of our time at J&M's site... they had all the food!! :)

Since J&M did most of the planning and looked after us
so well - we figured it was only fair if we at least took
care of doing the dishes!

A little hike/walk we went on

Checking something out with Uncle Martin

Snack time after our walk

We spent most of the afternoons at the beach

And then came the rain...

They had a little interactive thing about logging, so
a bunch of us went there - a little change of scenery
from our tarps at the campsite. They had a couple
little games to play - so that's what me and Zach
are doing

All the mom's had been prepared - and so the
kids got to go from site to site to do a different
craft - coloring, painting rocks, etc. It kept the
kids entertained well. Martin & Joel took the chance
to play a game of chess.

Some one had this brilliant idea so we could still enjoy our
campfire that night! The rain actually let up for the whole
evening - so we didn't end up needing them - but
it looked kinda neat!

I guess that sums up the camping part of the trip! We considered going home on that really rainy day, but were glad we stuck it out. We had really looked forward to camping with everyone - and we weren't disappointed!

Thursday, August 20, 2009

The trip there

Ok. Over 3 weeks since the last post. Wieska's been busy so I (Martin) thought I would fill in for her this time.
So, our vacation....

I have come to realize that vacation is really a privilege and a blessing. I am sure there are many in the world who do not think of vacation or holidays like we do. We were very thankful to have the opportunity this year to go to Ontario for 10 days.

We left on a Thursday night, catching a red-eye flight across to Ontario. We stopped over in Calgary and had a quick coffee with Wieska's sister, Rianne, before we continued to Toronto.

Arriving in Toronto we had rented a car from a place that was about 5 miles from the airport since it was less that half the cost of renting directly from the airport. So, we picked up our bags and went to find a taxi. That was easy until the driver told us it would be $30 to drive us 5 minutes away! We dropped that idea and decided to take the city buy - except that there were over 5 city buses at the airport. After asking questions we located the right bus which took us close to where we wanted to be. As we walked the remainder of the way, a lady stopped and offered us a ride which we gladly accepted. Renting the car was a smooth process and we hit the road toward Chatham - the place where I grew up. We didn't last long, however, and found a rest area where we caught some much needed sleep.

After 2 hours of sleep we had a quick lunch and carried on only to be stopped by a flat tire 15 minutes later. Problem was, our beautiful little rental car had a spare tire but no jack - and Wieska wasn't strong enough to lift the car while I changed the tire. Thankfully we were near a rest area and could borrow somebody's jack
Notice the nice dog poop I managed to step in with my right foot.

With the little donut on the tire we managed to find a tire shop only 20 mintues away and they had a new (used) tire on the car in a few minutes. So we carried on without incident to Chatham
We dropped in on a few people in Chatham - one being my old friend back when I lived there. It was good to drop in and catch up a bit.

We also visited a few of my old teachers from school back then. Following our visits we grabbed an ice cream and decided to drive the 2 hours to Mitchell so we wouldn't have to do any driving on Saturday. We arrived at Joel and Marianne's around 10:30 pm. glad to be done our travelling stint for the weekend.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Youth camp

As I mentioned in my last post, youth camp this year was fantastic! We had great weather, great youth, great cooks and other volunteers, and just an all-around great time!
There were three activities to choose from on the Friday and Saturday... canoeing, hiking, or the "lazy day" of going to the Othello tunnels and then just hanging out at the beach at Kawkawa Lake.

There was lots of time for other fun and games too:

One of the biggest hits was the "slip and slide" that a couple of our youth came up with. The camp is built on a slope, which was perfect for this! They spent hours on it!

We also used it in a relay-type game of "Ultimate Spoons". Definitely a fun twist to that game! (Going around the crates down the slip and slide, running for a ball, putting an olive in our mouth on the way to popping a balloon for a ribbon inside it and then running up the hill for a spoon!)

I got to spend my birthday up at camp this year. They decorated the dining hall for me... and this was my "breakfast birthday cake" :)

As the intent for this weekend was not only to grow in our relationships with others, but also in our walk with God, we also spent some time in His Word. The theme for the weekend was "Denying the power", which is a little phrase taken from 2 Timothy 3:5, which says that in the last days, there will be people "having a form of godliness but denying its power". The focus was on powerful godliness - what prevents it, and how we can have it. Definitely practical and relevant.

We had a fantastic bunch of youth come out for this - and it was a tonne of fun getting to know them. Of course, something like this can only happen as a team effort... and so again, thanks to those who met with us several times to plan the camp, those who volunteered to chaperone and help out with driving, etc., our fantastic cooks, and our speakers. Camp wouldn't have been the same with out each one of you!

Where to start...

We've had a few busy but fun weeks the last while... and I'm trying to figure out how to best tell about them. The second weekend in July was youth camp, which was a fantastic time! After that, we had a few days to clean up from that and pack up for the next thing... our trip to Ontario! The last few years a group of Martin's cousins and their families go camping out there, and we figured it would be fun if we could book a trip to Ontario around that time. Finally this year it worked. It was definitely worth looking forward to this trip! There was lots of driving and visiting (some of Martin's old acquaintances from when he lived out there, his brother and family and other relatives, my brother...), but it was relaxing too.
I think I'll just do what I did last year after our vacation and tell about it little bits at a time.

Monday, July 6, 2009

I discovered...

...that I really enjoy digital scrapbooking! I've been thinking about doing this for a while - but didn't have a good program for it, and just wasn't sure if I'd like it. Our adoption profile had to include some picture pages, and I had to make several copies of it, so I figured it would be a good time to try it out. A friend of mine let me know about a great Costco coupon that made the program I wanted (Photoshop Elements) much less expensive - which is always nice :). Then another friend of mine told me about an online course that was super helpful! I'd recommend it to anyone that uses photoshop.
What I love about digital scrapbooking:
  • you can make anything any color you want
  • all the freebies you can download - free paper, embellishments, etc, etc!
  • you can do so much more with your pictures
  • it's way faster (for me anyways)
  • NO MESS!!!! I think this is my favorite part. I can work for awhile - then just save it and close the program - no pile of papers sitting on the table for days until I finish the layout!

Here's a couple of the layouts I made while taking the course:

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Some fun parts of camp planning

We've learned over the past couple of years, that whenever we're planning a youth event, we should have as good an idea as possible of what's involved. Right now we're planning a youth camp for a couple of weeks from now - which includes an option for canoeing. We had heard about canoeing the Harrison River, but hadn't actually done that ourselves yet, so we decided to go out on Saturday with a few of the others involved in planning and see what it was all about. We put our canoes in at Harrison Lake, and then paddled down the river for about 17km to Kilby. It was a fantastic trip! Beautiful scenery, and a fun group to hang out with for the day.
We did meet up with a bit of wind, so there was some harder paddling - but not all of it was intense paddling - as you can see from the pictures :).

We found a great little spot overlooking the river to eat lunch.

Hopefully the campers that sign up for canoeing enjoy it as much as we did!!