I've done a bit of jam making again this year. My strawberry jam took me two tries. Martin and I really wanted to have sugar free jam - and since I'm stubborn enough, if it takes 2 times to get it right, then that's what I'll do. It tastes pretty good, although a bit different (more tangy) then all of that sugar loaded jam.
Yesterday a friend came over and we canned peaches. Also a sugar-free variety. Don't they look fantastic?!
Today I will attempt the peach jam. Again, sugar-free. Hopefully I can do it in one go this time :)
I have also been spending a bit of time working on the crib bedding for the little one we are waiting for. I had seen something with brown and white polka dots - and absolutely loved it - and I was determined to find a similar fabric to work with. It took a bit of hunting - but I found it... and I love it!
Figuring out what exactly to do with it was a different story... but thanks to some tips from others, and my mom's quilting expertise, this is what it's looking like so far. You'd never guess that I spent a very frustrating morning looking for the brown and green borders... and while they're different than what I had in mind at first (why would a store have every color of corderoy except for a nice chocolate brown??) I'm liking the result.
I'm currently working on hand-stitching around a few of the dots to make them "pop" a bit (not my idea - but a suggestion that I absolutely loved!). I'll be making a roman shade to match it - I'll show you that when it's done.
Anyways, on to making jam, doing laundry, cleaning gutters, etc. I've got another full day ahead!