Justin generally loves to go to bed... it's really only teething or still being hungry that usually makes him not settle well for the night. But that night, though he seemed so tired and ready for bed, he just didn't seem to settle the way he usually does... and so I went back to his room to see if I could start to figure out what might be bothering him. I picked him up, and he quieted right away... and for the next few minutes he just snuggled. Then, kinda suddenly, he started to look over at his bed - usually a sign that there's no place he'd rather be than there. So I figured I'd try lay him down again... though I didn't really think it could be that easy. But it was. Thumb in mouth, and Ruffy in his other hand, he settled right off to sleep, just like that.
All he needed was a snuggle.
And I was hit again by how truly blessed I am to be a mom. I'm so grateful for the many moments like this one that I now get to enjoy. The kind that I looked forward to for a long time - and that I hope I never take for granted.