Friday, October 31, 2008

Over-wintering Geraniums


It's been a while, so I thought I better get back on here and update bit. We've been doing a bit of our fall clean-up around the yard, and I remembered that I told you before that I would tell you all how I saved my geraniums over the winter last year. It totally worked, and this year I had beautiful, big geraniums. I'll definitely do this again and again. A friend of mine told me how, so I won't take the credit myself - but I figured it was info worth passing on!
Step 1: In the fall (any time now), dig the geraniums up, and shake off the dirt. Then set them in a box (not too tight, you want air to be able to get at them). Store the box in a cool, dry place. That's the first step... pretty easy!

Step 2: In February, (sorry, I don't have any pictures of this step), you'll need to cut the roots back. They will be fine (like hair). After that, plant them in pots. If you have a sunny place to put them, that helps... but they need to stay inside. Water them as needed.

Step 3: In March, you need to give the plants a "haircut". They will have grown quite a bit, and you want to cut them down to about 3-4" plants. Don't throw the stalks that you cut off away... those can be set in water, and they will root. The plants in the pots will make big plants, and the stalks will make smaller plants that are perfect for window boxes, planters, etc. Still keep them inside for the most part. I put them outside if we had a sunny warm day, but then took them back in at night. Once the stalks have rooted well, and there's no more frost, they're ready to be planted outside! Enjoy!

Just before the "haircut".

After the haircut.

The stalks are rooting...

And here are a few pictures of what they looked like at the peak of the season: