We spent a couple hours here - relaxing on this little spot on the beach
or playing frisbee in the water.

We finished off the day with a campfire and s'mores and pie - even though we were still stuffed from dinner! It was a good day.
We finished off the day with a campfire and s'mores and pie - even though we were still stuffed from dinner! It was a good day.
With the little donut on the tire we managed to find a tire shop only 20 mintues away and they had a new (used) tire on the car in a few minutes. So we carried on without incident to Chatham
We dropped in on a few people in Chatham - one being my old friend back when I lived there. It was good to drop in and catch up a bit.
We also visited a few of my old teachers from school back then. Following our visits we grabbed an ice cream and decided to drive the 2 hours to Mitchell so we wouldn't have to do any driving on Saturday. We arrived at Joel and Marianne's around 10:30 pm. glad to be done our travelling stint for the weekend.