Monday, August 24, 2009

Camping in Ontario

Part of the reason we picked these particular days for our trip to Ontario was to join in on the annual camping trip with a few of Martin's cousins and their families. We had a fantastic and relaxing time together at Arrowhead Provincial Park.

We were pretty proud of this setup! Martin & I had
our own site a little ways down - but we spent the
majority of our time at J&M's site... they had all the food!! :)

Since J&M did most of the planning and looked after us
so well - we figured it was only fair if we at least took
care of doing the dishes!

A little hike/walk we went on

Checking something out with Uncle Martin

Snack time after our walk

We spent most of the afternoons at the beach

And then came the rain...

They had a little interactive thing about logging, so
a bunch of us went there - a little change of scenery
from our tarps at the campsite. They had a couple
little games to play - so that's what me and Zach
are doing

All the mom's had been prepared - and so the
kids got to go from site to site to do a different
craft - coloring, painting rocks, etc. It kept the
kids entertained well. Martin & Joel took the chance
to play a game of chess.

Some one had this brilliant idea so we could still enjoy our
campfire that night! The rain actually let up for the whole
evening - so we didn't end up needing them - but
it looked kinda neat!

I guess that sums up the camping part of the trip! We considered going home on that really rainy day, but were glad we stuck it out. We had really looked forward to camping with everyone - and we weren't disappointed!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow sounds (and looks) like you had a great summer! Thanks for posting :)