I've done a bit of jam making again this year. My strawberry jam took me two tries. Martin and I really wanted to have sugar free jam - and since I'm stubborn enough, if it takes 2 times to get it right, then that's what I'll do. It tastes pretty good, although a bit different (more tangy) then all of that sugar loaded jam.
Yesterday a friend came over and we canned peaches. Also a sugar-free variety. Don't they look fantastic?!
Today I will attempt the peach jam. Again, sugar-free. Hopefully I can do it in one go this time :)
I have also been spending a bit of time working on the crib bedding for the little one we are waiting for. I had seen something with brown and white polka dots - and absolutely loved it - and I was determined to find a similar fabric to work with. It took a bit of hunting - but I found it... and I love it!
Figuring out what exactly to do with it was a different story... but thanks to some tips from others, and my mom's quilting expertise, this is what it's looking like so far. You'd never guess that I spent a very frustrating morning looking for the brown and green borders... and while they're different than what I had in mind at first (why would a store have every color of corderoy except for a nice chocolate brown??) I'm liking the result.
I'm currently working on hand-stitching around a few of the dots to make them "pop" a bit (not my idea - but a suggestion that I absolutely loved!). I'll be making a roman shade to match it - I'll show you that when it's done.
Anyways, on to making jam, doing laundry, cleaning gutters, etc. I've got another full day ahead!
LOVE the quilt!! Good job!
love Elena
Love it. I really like your colour choice. Do you have some news for me?
Love the quilt! It looks great! Looks like you've been busy with all the jam making and canning. How do you make sugar free jam & can sugar free peaches?
Go Wieska go! The peackes look really yummy!
The quilt is really cute too! We pray little junior will arrive soon!
Love the ABCD's
Hey Wiesk, those peaches look really yummy and the quilt looks like a winner! Very, very nice.
Love, Leanne
Hi Wieska ~lookin' good! Isn't it rewarding to see the jars all lined up and looking so delicious?
Hey, I didn't know you could make Roman Shades yourself? Are you doing it out of your head, or can you get patterns?
take care
Looks like you've been busy! So fun to do some canning...I always want to leave peaches and pears out on the counter for at least a week to enjoy looking at them. Hoping and praying God will grant you the desires of your heart for a little one.
love the crib quilt! it's beautiful!
i'm looking for sugar free jam and canning idea too :) (good plan for next summer instead of buying it all)
today i had to send carson with his own sugar free icing for kindergarten gingerbread houses so i mixed up spreadable creamcheese with sweetner
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