Thursday, June 19, 2008

A scrapbook page

I know, I know... it's been a long time since I posted. Life just gets busy, and so I just haven't gotten around to it. I also know I promised pictures of the newly planted flower beds - but I also haven't gotten around to that. One of these days I will!
For now, I will post this latest scrapbook page I did. I actually took the layout from Valerie's sketch blog, and used Sketch #48. Another sketch blog that I found that I really like too, is called Stuck! - and I'll probably be using that one quite a bit too! This page is significant because it means that I'm finally finished scrapbooking my wedding! I have a few pages that need a little fixing up here and there, but it's mostly finished! It only took me 5 years!! Haha. As much as I enjoy scrapbooking, I admit, I'm ready to scrapbook anything besides my wedding pictures! I bought a couple of new scrapbooks at Costco the other day - and am looking foward to filling those up.
It's not the favorite page I ever made, and these pictures aren't the greatest... especially the reflection of the flash on the first picture... but oh well... it'll have to do!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well Wieska, at least you're beating me with the time . . . ours haven't been started yet - and it's only 18 years!!! I'm still collecting the scrapbook supplies I'll need . . .ho-hum! Love, the Hen