Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Where to start...

We've had a few busy but fun weeks the last while... and I'm trying to figure out how to best tell about them. The second weekend in July was youth camp, which was a fantastic time! After that, we had a few days to clean up from that and pack up for the next thing... our trip to Ontario! The last few years a group of Martin's cousins and their families go camping out there, and we figured it would be fun if we could book a trip to Ontario around that time. Finally this year it worked. It was definitely worth looking forward to this trip! There was lots of driving and visiting (some of Martin's old acquaintances from when he lived out there, his brother and family and other relatives, my brother...), but it was relaxing too.
I think I'll just do what I did last year after our vacation and tell about it little bits at a time.


Anonymous said...

Glad you had a good time! We'll have to see you and compare stories of Ontario when we get back.

Anonymous said...

So what's up with the blog? I keep checking for new stuff from your holidays but it hasn't appeared yet--I check it every day! :-)