It's time... set the record straight. I have to say, it was fun reading all the comments my last post caused :). But I should let you all know that my impatience was more with all the legitimate things that prevent us from getting that coffee table made, than with Martin not doing his part. I have a list of projects too that are waiting to be worked on, and that's just life. Slowly but surely, we'll get things done... only to create another list of projects to work on!This last week, Martin has been busy installing a laundry tub and fixing the dryer venting. I'm so glad for all the work he does around our place!
No worries, Wiesk, We didn't feel like you were bashing Martin at all. That is the most fun I've read in a comments section in a while! By the way, did you catch the hen?
same here :)
and nice laundry sink... yeah for laundry rooms :) that was one of the most exciting parts about us moving here!
love Elena
Hey Wieska, we KNOW you weren't beating up on Martin - we can't correlate that with any behaviour of yours in the past, so why would you be that way now. By the way, what does correlate mean? And, do youse guys have chickens? Do you sell chicken eggs to the public, or only to family and friends? Have a super nice time using your laundry room!
I agree, we know your thankful for Martin........sometimes we want something done before its time. Just makes us appreciate it even more when it actually gets finished :)
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