Adoption has a bitter-sweet element to it though, and while we are thrilled to have this little boy and call him our son, we also remember his birthmom. {I once came across a blog where the writer beautifully acknowledged her daughter's birthmom, and (with her permission) I too want to do that - though I'm not such a skillful writer.} We think of her as we celebrate, knowing that she very likely feels her loss each and every day. We hope that she will always know that she is a very special and important part of who Justin is, and that she holds a special place in our hearts. We can not describe what an honor it is to be given a child through adoption; to have the opportunity to meet Justin's birthmom, and have her ask us to be the parents of her little boy. This selfless act of love that she made for him (and for us) is something we will always respect her for. Despite other "options" she chose to give Justin life, and we are forever grateful to her for that and for entrusting her son to us.
Again, we realize God's hand in bringing this all about, and we praise Him! And pray that He will help us to raise our son to His honor and glory.
We celebrated this special event in typical Martin-Wieska style: with ice cream. And, while Justin was and is completely unaware of the end of "the process" he thoroughly enjoyed the treat :)

I'm so glad things are "complete"! I'm sure the finalization doesn't really change anything, but it is kind of the "final" step in the adoption process. I can see why you got choked up. Justin is blessed with wonderful parents and birthmom!
so happy for you guys & Justin! God has been SO good!
Such a good read! :) So happy for you all...he's such a CUTIE!
CONGRATULATIONS!!!! I know he has been your special son for a long time but this just brings some closure to it all and chases away some of those worries. You both are fantastic parents and God will provide all you need in the years ahead. Love Mel
We're so happy for you guys!!! I'm glad everything is complete now. You are both wonderful parents and Justin is blessed to have you two.
Congratulations. Glad you celebrated with icecream. Its the way to go! And I loved the part about the birth mom. Beautiful.
Congratulations Martin and Wieska!! Celebrating with you on this special day.
So Happy for you! I know exactly how you feel for the birth mom. We thank our childrens birth mom all the time for having children that would allow us to have a family. The day we drove our 3 kids home I cried for my happiness but also grieved for the the birth moms loss. Most people dont understand why I care about her but I do, she is a part of my children....Anyways congrats!
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