Monday, April 28, 2008

Love, honor, cherish, treasure...

On Saturday we celebrated our 5th anniversary! We didn't do anything extraordinary to celebrate, but we are still thankful for the great years we've had together so far - and we pray God will give us many more!
We were talking about our marriage the other night, and trying to choose some of the best memories we have so far...there are lots to choose from! (Some funny... some more "normal"). We both decided that our backpacking trip to Mt. Assiniboine (in the Rockies) is at the top of the list! Another thing we have really enjoyed in our marriage are the times that we just end up sitting and chatting like best friends - usually over supper... We are blessed with a wonderful marriage and friendship, and we are thankful.
These are some pictures that my sister, Stef, took of us a couple of years ago. I put them onto these 8x8 canvas' (from the dollar store) and they hang in our room. They're just a fun way to remind us often of the vows we made!


Anonymous said...

Happy Anniversary you guys!! We're heading up on 5 years this summer as well, how time flies when you're having fun!! We wish you many many more happy years together.

Anonymous said...

Ooh I made it into the blog.
Whooohoo. Hahaha.
I love you guys.